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It is the mission of Seva Ranch to create long-term residential destinations for children rescued from sex-trafficking situations who don't have a safe and loving family to whom they can return.  It is to be a place where they can find safety, stability, kindness and care, as well as the resources they so desperately need.   A place where nearly all of their needs can be met, where they can heal and grow, be educated and/or trained in a field, and acquire the tools they will need to emerge into a life beyond their trauma – one which is as whole, self-reliant and as joyful as possible.


◼︎  Child sex-trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise worldwide  (1)

◼︎  Too young?  Rescues include infants < 1 yr and children < 2 yr   (2) (10)

◼︎  Global profits from sex trafficking has reached ∽$99 Billion, tax free  (3)  

◼︎  U.S. profits from sex-trafficking has reached ∽$30 Billion, tax free  (4)

◼︎  U.S. gun sales ∽$19 Billion (5), Illegal drug sales  âˆ½$400 Billion  (6)

◼︎  Appx. 5.5 million children under 18 are slaves to sex-trafficking  (7)

◼︎  Victims spend an average of 20 months in forced sexual labor  (8)

◼︎  The U.S. is the #3 destination for sex-trafficking business  (9)


Educate Yourself 

Interview w/ a
long-time rescuer


Startling Facts

Interview w/ a
long-time rescuer



2019 success stats by
just 1 rescue team


As the rescue of captive and sex-trafficked children gains speed, three questions grow louder and louder:  


◼︎  What is happening to the children after being rescued?  

◼︎  Who is looking after them and their long-term safety?  

◼︎  What life and rehabilitation await them?


Many survivors can return to loving homes and parents (appx 51% in 2020), but a vast number of them cannot. How many of them must rely on a system that likely failed them once already?  


Even if ideal circumstances for their care and safety exist, given the sheer numbers of these survivors, there simply cannot be adequate space, resources, guardianship and mentoring for them all.  Approximately half of them fall victim to the highly compromised and poorly governed systems that currently exist ..... or they simply fall through the cracks and wind up back on the street or return to broken / predatory families to start all over again. 


The growing efforts to sweep this horrific culture out of existence and rescue all these children cannot be considered successful without factoring in the post-rescue circumstances that await the victims and addressing their broad and complex long-term needs, many of which are acute; resources must be dedicated to their survival beyond the rescue, and quickly.  


Certainly, any child of any age who has been subjected to even minor sexual abuse has a hard road ahead of them after their rescue, but beyond that, how many:

◼︎  commit suicide

◼︎  suffer drug addiction

◼︎  move into prostitution

◼︎  become predators

◼︎  have serious medical conditions

◼︎  cannot read

◼︎  are without basic education

◼︎  are without basic skills to live independently

This is a broad, initial vision, and the logistics are subject to change...

Seva Ranch is to be a private, expansive, secluded, semi-sustainable long-term residential ranch where child survivors of sex-trafficking may live for any number of years, while they receive nearly everything necessary to achieve as much wholeness as possible, in an environment that is safe, reliable and stable.


Broad, integrative nurturing, therapy and assistance will be available and will focus on numerous aspects of living.  Rehabilitation and resources will include all aspects of living: physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being; K-12 education/trade school; self-reliance education; natural healing therapies; nutrition; learning about and developing healthy relationships; learning about the world and how to live in it with as much joy and self-reliance as possible. 


The ranch will be large enough to offer trails, streams, a variety of geographical features and will be a working farm, to include livestock; horses; carefully-chosen, rescue dogs & cats (spayed/neutered, of course); chickens; limited agriculture, gardens; art and music workshops, etc., all of which can be used as forms of therapy.


A Template for Expansion

The concept for and building of the ranch will be well documented so to be easily repeatable, with the hope that the ranch concept can be quickly duplicated at multiple locations, in parallel, throughout the world immediately after the first iteration is complete.


Employees & Volunteers

Before hiring, all employees and volunteers will be required to pass personality/psychology and EQ (emotional maturity) tests, a drug test, and a thorough background check.  Considering the fact that residents will be, as a matter of course, highly emotional and relationship-dysfunctional, elevated expectations will be placed upon employees in leadership and management positions to conduct themselves with emotional maturity and grace.  


Structure & Boundaries -vs-
Freedom & Personal Control

Anything that helps these children feel like unique individuals, rather than property, and that promotes a sense of control over their own lives will be invaluable and is easy to provide. Furthermore, taking on responsibility is one of the best ways to build self-respect and self-confidence.  Residents, when they are deemed able, can take on chores and even small jobs on the ranch to earn money.

A Home-Like Environment

Great care will be taken to ensure these children feel this is a home and not an institution. Obviously there will be limits to this for it will, in fact, be an institution, but with the firm intention that it be welcoming and home-like, along with a good dose of creativity, the institutional nature of the ranch can be minimized a great deal – it’s just a matter of deciding it will be so.


Feeling like home will rely on more than just warm, inviting and comfortable living spaces.  Many of these children will have missed out on a variety of lessons one learns as a child at home.  Self-reliance education will be included in the offerings and will entail learning how to take care of oneself and one’s affairs, as well as basic skills for supporting oneself such as finding a job, being responsible and reliable, riding the bus, bank accounts, driving a car, riding a bike, swimming, etc., the things one would learn at home.

Long-term success will require a core group of coordinators at the top level and the dedicated service of a large, well-selected leadership team of specialists in a variety of fields:  child psychology; sociology; trauma; education; spirituality/religion; health & wellness; natural healing; drug rehab; fitness/recreation; creative arts & music; nutrition; farming; agriculture / gardening; construction & grounds maintenance; housekeeping; food service; security; business administration & HR; fund raising; finance & accounting; legal (child rights & custody laws, non-profit laws); quality assurance; internal auditing; safety, etc.... as well as an advisory board and a number of highly-functioning survivors.

The initial vision is to raise small, grassroots donations ($10 min.) from a huge number of individuals who are awake to this horrific criminal activity (their numbers are growing rapidly), and to find a number of high net-worth donors who will match grassroots donations.  The plan as of right now is to hold off on initiating grassroots donations until some or all of the matching donors have been found; this could change. 


The ranch will be a non-profit organization and, over time, will ideally become at least partially self-sustaining, as well as the recipient of various other forms of funding - all of which must adhere to the funding attitude described below.  


Important caveat:  Large donations must be handled in such a way that establishes a clear understanding that “favors for donations” is not on the table in even the slightest way.  This endeavor requires good samaritans.  Of course, donors will need to account for their donations for tax purposes; beyond taxes however, recognition for donations should ideally be between the donor and God.  

Of primary importance will be the security of the grounds.  To facilitate high security, a privacy wall and high-security fence will surround the entire property, along with a 24-hr security gate and cameras throughout the property.  Additionally, an external location will be secured for receiving deliveries to minimize traffic into the property and there will be no signage at the gated entrance.


Also of supreme importance will be the safety of everyone involved, residents and staff alike, and an independent area of focus will exist to anticipate potential challenges and to create/enforce boundaries to assure the safety of all.


We're looking for direct assistance from, or personal referrals to people in the areas of focus listed below.  If you are interested in getting involved or can make a personal introduction to someone who may be of value to our team, especially in the areas listed, please contact us via one of the email addresses below:

all addresses are

✓  Advisory Board Members

✓  Large Funding

✓  Crowd Funding

✓  Professionals to join us

✓  Volunteers

✓  Survivors who wish to join us

SEVA:  [sanskrit] - Service of love
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